Infra Holding with Certificate for Restoration of Cultural and Historical Sites

The subsidiary of the holding, Infra Roads Ltd., received a Certificate for Execution of Constructions pursuant to Article 137, Paragraph 1, Item 1, Litera "M" of the Spatial Development Act in the beginning of July 2014. The Certificate is issued by the Bulgarian Construction Chamber for implemented projects for restoration and conservation of immovable cultural valuables of world and national significance.
The Certificate was issued to Infra Roads Ltd. on the grounds of the successfully concluded in February this year project for conservation, restoration, exposing and socializing the South-Eastern part of the Kaleto fortress in Montana City, funded via OP Regional Development 2007-2013.
The company is also a contractor of another landmark project for preservation of the cultural and historical heritage in Bulgaria. This is the project of the Sofia Municipality for Adaptation of the Central Mineral Baths for Museum of Sofia, which is also implemented with European funds. The restoration and adaptation of one of the most beautiful buildings in the capital into a Museum of the city is a project of extraordinary value for the cultural and tourist life of Sofia, as it is one of a few European capitals without a permanent exposition about its history.