Infra Holding To Repair Road Network in Varshets Municipality

On 29 August, 2014, the subsidiary of the holding, Infra Roads Ltd., signed a contract for Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of the Road Network in Varshets Municipality for the amount of BGN 5,660,449.77, VAT excluded. The project is implemented with European funding through the Rural Development Programme 2007-2013, and the term of implementation of the envisaged construction works is 6 months.
A total of 18 km of road sections will be completely renewed within the frames of the project, divided into two lots:
Lot 1: Rehabilitation of Municipal Road MON 1090/ІІІ-162 Dolna Bela Rechka - Stoyanovo (Dolno Ozirovo – Gorno Ozirovo – the border of Varshets Municipality - Vratsa) – Lyutadjik from km 0+000 to km 7+000
Lot 2: Rehabilitation of Municipal Road MON 1091/ІІІ-162 Stoyanovo - Glavatsi/ Cherkaski – the border of the Municipality (Varshets - Berkovitsa) - Slatina – Yagodovo (MON 2009) from km 0+000 to km 11+000
Besides reconstruction and re-asphalting of the road, envisaged is construction of new road shoulders, ditches, supporting walls and culverts, painting the horizontal road marking, installation of elastic protection fences and placement of new light-reflecting traffic signs.